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Iridarium annual report

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07 November 2019 In 2019, the species did not vegetate species: I. cretensis, I. illyrica, I. lycotis, I. sintenesii, Juno kuschakewizii, J. magnifica, J. orchioides and cultivars: Iris hybr. cv. Broome Sunset, cv. Happenstance, cv. Social Event.
The collection was supplement with 148 taxa, 72 seed samples were sown. Of particular value are living plants obtained from expeditions to the Russian Far East (personal collections - I. laevigata, I. maackii, I. setosa, etc.), from the island of Urup (Glazkova - I. setosa), Mongolia (Dorofeev - I. kamelinii), seeds USA (Sean Zera - I. bractea, I. macrosiphon, I. missouriensis) and others.
The collection was used by 16 visitors from 9 organizations. Counseling and transfer of seeds and planting material from the collection and exposition of Iridaria to colleagues from 7 botanical institutions were conducted.
In the collection of Iridarium - Genus: 25, species: 126 (including 89 species of Iris), cultivars: 326, varietes: 8,
hybrids: 14, subspecies: 1, forms: 6
Many thanks to all who took part in this work.

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